Citra luma 패치 - Citra luma paechi

안녕하세요 케이롬 입니다. 이번 글에선 시트라에 DLC 및 업데이트를 적용하는 방법을 알려드리려고 합니다

먼저 시작하기전에 위 화면처럼 패치파일, 롬파일, 그리고 Batch CIA 3DS Decryptor가 있어야합니다

Batch CIA 3DS Decrytor는 밑에서 미리 받아주세요

초고속 다운로드

다운로드 주소를 보려면 프로유저로 로그인 해주세요

우선 위 사진은 패치하기전의 모습입니다

Batch CIA 3DS Decrytor를 압축풀고 폴더에 패치 cia를 넣어줍니다

그리고 Batch CIA 3DS Decrytor.bat를 실행합니다

조금만 기다리시다 위 화면처럼 아무키나 눌러 나옵시다

정상적으론 폴더안에 패치cia가 하나더 생겨야합니다

근데 만약에 패치 파일이 하나밖에 없다면 Batch CIA 3DS Decrytor.bat를 다시 실행해보세요

그래도 안된다면 패치cia 이름을 바꾸고 다시 해보세요

성공적으로 되면 새로 생성된 패치 파일에 기본적으론 (Patch)라고 적혀있게 됩니다

그럼 기존 패치 파일을 삭제해줍시다

이제 시트라로 돌아와서 파일 > CIA 설치 를 누릅니다

이제 아까 Decrypt한 패치cia를 찾아서 선택합니다

그러면 밑화면에 로딩이되고 패치가 완료됩니다

업데이트가 완료되어 ver 1.2라고 표시됬습니다 (패치 후 아무 표시도 안되어있는 롬들도 있습니다)

설명을 조금 어렵게 한것같은데 더 궁금한거 있으시면 댓글로 물어봐주세요

Citra as rolled out their new mod loading system, and after getting questions about it my, I've decided to write a guide to loading mods on the 3ds for Luma or in Citra. This guide is focused on Fates however it should work with any 3ds game.

1. Luma Method:

Luma CFW uses a method commonly called LayeredFS or Layered File System. This method can be used to load mods without having to edit and rebuild your whole rom.

To load mods hold select when booting your 3ds and make sure "Enable game Patching" is turned on. this option will stay on after enabled so you only have to do this once.

To install mods put your SD card in your computer then navigate to SD:\luma\titles\[Title ID]\ In this folder you'll have to make a romfs folder.

The Title IDs for fates are:

0004000000179500 - EUR Birthright
0004000000179700 - EUR Conquest
000400000017A800 - EUR Special Edition
0004000000179400 - USA Birthright
0004000000179600 - USA Conquest
0004000000179800 - USA Special Edition
000400000012DC00 - JPN Byakuya Oukoku / Birthright
000400000012DD00 - JPN Anya Oukoku / Conquest
000400000012DE00 - JPN Special EditionFor other games Title IDs check here //

Most mods go in the romfs where as code patches in the Title ID folder itself and must be called code.ips. The folder layout should look kinda like this:

luma\titles\[Title ID]
    - romfs
        - mods go here
    - code.bin/code.ips (if needed)
    - exheader.bin (if needed)

2. Citra Method:

Citra now includes it's own version of layeredFS so make sure you version of Citra is up to date before trying this out. Loading the mods is very similar to luma and even works with mods structured for luma.

To get started open Citra and right click on Fates and choose "Open Mods Location".

This will bring you to load\mods\[Title ID]. from here you need to make a romfs folder and an exefs folder. just like Luma most mods go in the romfs folder but your code patches will go in the exefs folder instead of the Title ID folder.

Alternatively you can make a luma folder in you load\mods folder for Citra and Citra will load mods the same way Luma does as seen above.

you folder should look like this:

load\mods\[Title ID]
    - exefs
        - code.bin/code.ips (if needed)
        - exheader.bin (if needed)
    - romfs
        - mods go hereor like this:
load\mods\luma\titles\[Title ID]
    - romfs
        - mods go here
    - code.bin/code.ips (if needed)
    - exheader.bin (if needed)

Use game patches for instant text, no outlines, and extra fun

Using IPS files with Luma

  • You will need Luma3DS installed on your 3DS for this.
    • Instructions for installing Luma3DS: //
  1. Find your game's title ID using 3dsdb
  2. Put your code.ips patch at /luma/titles/_title ID_/code.ips

For example, Ultra Moon would be /luma/title/00040000001B5100/code.ips

Using IPS files with Citra

  1. Right click on your game in Citra
  2. Open the update directory
  3. Make a new folder called _your .app file_.exefsdir
    • For example, Ultra Moon's update would be
  4. Put the code.ips in the new folder

Merging patches with IPSPatcher.js

Note: Some IPS patches use a feature called 'RLE' where one byte is repeated multiple times. This method does not support RLE.

  1. Download any IPS files you want to apply
  2. Go to the IPSPatcher.js site
  3. Click the "Merge" button
  4. Select every IPS patch you want to apply
  5. Click "Open" or "Upload" (depending on your browser)
    • A file called merged.ips will be downloaded
  6. Rename the downloaded merged.ips to code.ips


최신 우편물
