등위접속사 병렬구조 - deung-wijeobsogsa byeonglyeolgujo

문법독해 다잡아(··)

2-1. 등위관계(병렬구조)

등위(병렬)관계란 and, but, or 등의등위접속사나 both A and B 같은상관접속사를이용해단어와단어, 구와, 절과절을동등하게 연결하는것을말한다.

01.등위개념은평행구조로 연결하라

She types fastly and efficiently.

She types fast and efficiently.
그녀는타이핑이 빠르고능률적이다.)

Jane is young, enthusiastic, and she has talent.

Jane is young, enthusiastic, and talented.
제인은 젊고, 열성적이고, 재능이있다.)

Professor Williams enjoys teaching and to write.

Professor Williams enjoys teaching and writing.

(윌리엄스교수는가르치고 쓰는것을즐긴다.)

We learned to read the passage carefully and underlining the main ideas.

We learned to read the passage carefully and to underline the main ideas.

(우리는책의구절을 주의깊게읽고주제에 밑줄치는것을배웠다.)

 item series a, b, and/or c 처럼세가지 이상일 item 뒤에 콤마(comma)사용하며 item 끝나는마지막앞에 and 또는 or사용한다.

Review Test 1

틀린곳을찾아바르게 고치시오.

1.  In order to make skiing smoother, safer, and enjoyable, a number of resorts have hired consultants to design and sculpt the trails.

2.  Psychology Today is interesting, informative, and it is easy to read.

 1.  [해설] 비교급형용사(smoother, safer, and more enjoyable)평행시킨다.
[해석] 스키타는것을 부드럽고, 안전하고, 쾌적하도록하기위해, 많은스키 휴양지들은스키코스를 디자인하고건설하기위해 자문위원들을채용하고 있다.
In order to make skiing smoother, safer, and more enjoyable O(skiing: to make의 목적어)    OC1(smoother), OC2(safer) and OC3(more enjoyable)

5형식 make 동사의목적보어로비교급 형용사를병렬구조로연결했다.
[어휘] sculpt 조각하다, 형태를만들다 / trail (특정목적을위한) 코스

 2.  [해설]it is easy to read에서 it is제거하고 be동사의보어인형용사(interesting, informative, and easy)통일시킨다.
[해석] Psychology Today읽기에 흥미있고, 유익하고, 쉽다.
[어휘] informative 유익한

02.상관접속사는평행구조로 연결하라

The exam tests both listening and to read.

The exam tests both listening and reading.

He is not only intelligent but also he is creative.

He is not only intelligent but also creative.
그는총명할뿐만 아니라창의적이다.)

She is not only famous in the United States, but also abroad.

She is famous not only in the United States, but also abroad. [전치사구=부사]

(그녀는 미국에서뿐만아니라해외에서도유명하다.)

The ears of rabbits are longer than dogs.

The ears of rabbits are longer than those of dogs. [the ears of = those of]

(토끼의귀는개의 그것()보다도 길다.)

토끼의귀와개를비교하는것은비논리적이다. 비교구문의경우비교대상을일치시켜야 한다.

03. 문장에필요한단어를생략하지 마라

반복을피하기 위해필요한관사, 대명사, 전치사, 조동사등을생략해서는 된다.

Her father died not of old age but cancer. (x)
→ 전치사구(of old age) 명사(cancer)

Her father died not

of old age but of cancer.

(그녀의아버지는 노환으로돌아가신아니라 때문이었다.)

등위접속사는 공통된부분의반복을피할 있지만생략하면오히려 의미가달라질있을 경우에는생략할없다. but 뒤에전치사 of생략하면 등위접속사 but전치사 except뜻으로오해할 있다.

She has been and be beautiful. (x)
She has been and will be beautiful.

(그녀는 아름다움을간직해왔고앞으로도아름다울 것이다.)

has 조동사인데반해 be본동사이므로 and 뒤에생략된조동사를써야 한다.

John was interested and skillful at photography. (x)

John was interested in and skillful at photography.

(존은사진술에 흥미가있었고능숙했다.)

John was interested in photography. John was skillful at photography.

His ideas were reliable and adopted without debate. (x)

His ideas were reliable and were adopted without debate.

(그의아이디어는믿을만하고논의 없이채택되었다.)

앞의 were본동사, 뒤의 were조동사이므로 were 생략할없다. 

Review Test 2
틀린곳을 찾아바르게고치시오.

1.  The tremendous domestic tasks facing us call not just for our immediate attention but continued real sacrifice.

2.  Baseball has and probably always will be the sport that symbolizes for people in other countries the American way of life.

3.  By the time the bank guard closed the doors, a riot had erupted due to the long lines and shortage of tellers. 

 1.  [해설] 상관접속사 not just A but (also) B평행구조이므로 A B구조를 통일시킨다. but 뒤에생략된 전치사 for써야한다.
[해석]우리가직면한엄청난국내 과제는우리의즉각적인 관심뿐만아니라계속된 희생을필요로하고 있다.
The tremendous domestic tasks [facing us] call not justfor our immediate attention but (also) for continued real sacrifice.

S(The tremendous domestic tasks) / [  ] 수식부(형용사구 = which face us) / V(call)
not just[only] A but(also) B: A뿐만아니라 B ~이다
[어휘]call for ~요하다, 필요로하다

 2.  [해설] has본동사이고 will조동사이므로평행이없다. 2동사(진행형, 수동태, 완료형)경우, 앞자리의 be, have[has]조동사 역할을한다. 따라서 has has been으로고친다.
[해석]야구는다른국가들사람들에게 지금까지그래왔던것처럼 아마도항상미국식의 생활양식을상징하는스포츠가 것이다.
Baseball has been and probably always will be the sport [that symbolizes for people in other countries the American way of life].

S(Baseball) / V(a: has been) and V(b: will be) / C(the sport) / [   ] 수식부(형용사절) / V(symbolizes: 타동사O(the American way of life: 목적어 후치)
has been and will be: a and b 각각 조동사+be동사구조로평행연결했다.
[어휘] the American way of life 미국식의생활양식

 3.    By the time the bank guard closed the doors, a riot had erupted due to the long lines and shortage of tellers.
[해설] shortage앞에정관사 the 필요하다. 등위접속사 and 복수명사 lines단수명사 shortage평행으로연결하고 있지만각각다른 개념이므로문장에필요한 관사를생략해서는 된다.
[해석] 은행경비원이은행문을닫았을줄과은행창구직원들의부족으로 인해 (동안 참고있던사람들에 의해) 폭동이일어났다.

여러분의 공감이 저에게 큰 힘이 됩니다.




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