디스 아너 드 2 카오스 - diseu aneo deu 2 kaoseu


[코너의 게임블로그]디스아너드2, 카오스 수치 시스템 관련 추가 정보 공개

안녕하십니까 코너입니다.

이번에 디스아너드2에서의 전작에서 말이 많았던 카오스(혼돈) 수치 시스템 관련 추가 정보가 공개되었습니다.

해당 소식은 해외 게임 관련 웹진인 게임 인포머 및 PC 게이머 와의 디스아너드 시리즈의 제작사 아케인 스튜디오와의 인터뷰 내용을 담고 있는 게임 인포머 쇼 및 PC 게이머 디스아너드2 프리뷰 기사를 통해 공개된 것으로, 디스아너드2의 제작사 아케인 스튜디오는 전작 디스아너드1의 혼돈 수치 시스템의 단점, 이에 따른 시스템 개선 및 보완, 혼돈 수치 시스템의 확장, 혼돈 수치에 따라 달라지는 엔딩의 세분화 등에 대해 밝혔으며 공개된 디테일은 다음과 같습니다. 


전작의 경우 플레이어가 죽인 사람의 수에 따라 맵의 여러 요소와 스토리의 엔딩이 달라졌지만 쓰기 즐거우며 쉬운 살상 플레이에 비해 비살상 플레이 수단이 적고 재미가 적어 비판을 받았다. 이에 제작사 아케인 스튜디오는 디스아너드2에서 해법으로 살상 플레이에 못지않게 다양하며 재미있는 비살상 수단을 제공하게 되었다. 비살상이라고 해서 완전히 잠입 플레이만 해야 하는 것이 아닌 싸우면서도 적을 비살상으로 무력화 시킬 수 있는 방법이 많다.

-디스아너드2의 혼돈 수치 시스템은 누구를 죽였는가 뿐만 아니라 누구를 지원하였는지 등의 다양한 플레이어의 행동과 선택에 따라 달라지는 것을 특징으로 하며 또한 이러한 혼돈 수치에 따라 에밀리와 코르보 두 주인공의 대화 선택지도 달라진다. 또한 캐릭터를 죽여서 올라가는 혼돈 수치에도 변화가 생겼으며 해당 캐릭터가 얼마나 스토리에 영향을 미치며 얼마나 비도덕적인지에 따라 올라가는 혼돈 수치가 다르다. 

-디스아너드2의 엔딩은 플레이어의 행동과 선택에 따라 변화하는 여러 가지 요소들을 모두 조합하여 전체 스토리의 내용으로 형성하는 구성으로 확장된다. 이러한 요소들의 일부는 2개의 선택지(살상/비살상)으로 바뀌지만 또 일부는 다섯 개 또는 그 이상의 선택지를 가질 수도 있다. 선택지들은 모두 혼돈 수치에 영향을 받아 선택지 및 묘사가 변화하게 되며 엔딩 역시 전작보다 더 다양하게 준비될 것이다. 

-전작 디스아너드1에서 '심장'에서 얻을 수 있는 인물들의 배경과 심장의 심정 토로를 좋아하는 유저들이 많았으며 심지어 해당 캐릭터의 살상 및 비살상을 심장으로 결정하는 유저들도 존재하였다. 이에 개발진들은 속편인 디스아너드2의 개발의 초기에 있어서 전작 이상으로 심장으로 캐릭터의 도덕에 관한 자세한 배경과 유용한 정보를 얻을 수 있게 하는 것을 중요한 요소들 중 하나로 두었다.

-디스아너드2 시네마틱에서도 등장하였던 클락 워크 솔져의 경우 당순한 기계이기 때문에 파괴해도 살상과 비살상으로 처리되지 않고 혼돈 수치에 영향을 주지 않는다.

△디스아너드2 E3 2015 시네마틱 트레일러 리얼보이님 한글자막(유튜브1080p)

오... 전작을 플레이할 때 굿 엔딩 보기 위해서 암살은커녕 계속 잠입 플레이하면서 뒤에서 목만 조르고 다니느라 쉽고 재미있는(?) 살상 플레이를 못한다는 것이 내심 불만스러웠는데 이제는 전투를 하면서도 비살상 제압을 할 수 있게 되었으며 어느 정도 카오스 수치 시스템도 세분화 된 것 같아서 다행이군요.

디스아너드2는 2016년 11월 11일 PC, XBOX ONE, PS4 멀티플랫폼으로 출시될 예정이며 이번 2016년 6월 13일에 열리는 E3 2016에서 게임플레이 영상 공개가 확정된 상태입니다.

An illustration of Dunwall in high chaos.

"Think before you strike. If you kill me, you become the assassin we claimed you were. You'll become one of us!"—Kirin Jindosh[1]

Chaos is the element that affects the actions and reactions of characters during Dishonored, its DLCs: The Knife of Dunwall and The Brigmore Witches, and Dishonored 2 determining the fate of Daud, Emily Kaldwin, Corvo Attano and the Empire of the Isles.

Chaos controls how Corvo, Daud and Emily's quests unfold and their eventual resolution. It affects the number of guards present in each area and the strength of their forces, and increases the quantity of rats, weepers, and bloodflies encountered during missions. It is chiefly calculated by the number of people killed, but is also influenced by other factors, e.g. completing certain side objectives.

It has been reported that, for high chaos to be achieved, Corvo, Daud, or Emily must kill 20% of the human population per mission. If total kills exceed 50% of the population seen, the city is irrevocably thrown into chaos, and the very high chaos ending is depicted. However, these thresholds are not absolute, as there are several other factors that increase or decrease chaos.

Variations on the totals seem to trigger minor differences between chaos levels, such as Samuel Beechworth's behavior in The Light at the End or Meagan Foster's choice to reveal her real identity in Death to the Empress.

High Chaos

The most violent path the protagonist can choose, high chaos, is mainly achieved by killing many human characters.

In Dishonored, having a high chaos rating when Corvo arrives at his final mission drastically changes the situation he encounters on Kingsparrow Island. Cosmetic changes, such as the presence of a large storm on the island, are paired with changes to the environment and story line that will alter how Corvo must navigate the area. At this level, Samuel will fire a gunshot to alert the guards to Corvo's presence, as a demonstration of his absolute disgust with Corvo's actions.

In Dishonored 2, high chaos is taken even further, granting the protagonist the option to leave either Emily or Corvo in stone and rule the Empire alone (which can result in Corvo becoming the new Emperor of the Isles).

Medium Chaos

Medium chaos is a high chaos state wherein the protagonist has not caused enough chaos to warrant the highest rating. Barring other factors influencing chaos, more than 20% and less than 50% of the human population per mission must be killed for a medium-high chaos rating.

In Dishonored, Samuel will not alert the guards on Kingsparrow Island to Corvo's presence, but will castigate him and say he never wants to see Corvo again. Only with a medium-high chaos factor can Callista Curnow survive the game in high chaos, although even then her survival is not guaranteed.

In The Brigmore Witches, the Outsider's speech to Daud after entering Delilah's painting will vary between medium chaos and other chaos states, even changing between medium-high and medium-low chaos. This is the only known instance of a game reacting to a medium-low chaos factor.

Dishonored 2 has a similar chaos state in which the protagonist, while they have achieved high chaos, still didn't kill enough people to achieve the state of very high chaos. This causes Corvo or Emily to comment differently on most inspectable objects and is a prerequisite for a unique ending, in which Corvo Attano rules Karnaca as "the Bloody Duke".

Low Chaos

Low chaos requires the protagonist to avoid killing both enemies and civilians. Non-human enemies such as rats, river krusts and wolfhounds do not affect chaos. Early on, when there are many guards in the protagonist's path, following a low chaos approach can be difficult - however, in some of the later, less populated areas, it is significantly easier.

Chaos System

Effects of Chaos

GameHigh ChaosLow Chaos
General Increase in the number of guards present. Decrease in the number of guards present.
Darker ending. More optimistic ending.
More cynical reactions from the Outsider at his shrines. More curious reactions from the Outsider at his shrines.
Increase in story-related deaths. Decrease in story-related deaths.
Dishonored Increase in rat and weeper populations. Decrease in rat and weeper populations.
More hostile reactions from Loyalist members. Loyalists will be friendlier and more respectful toward Corvo.
Negative changes in Emily's behavior. Positive behavior from Emily.
The Knife of Dunwall Negative changes in Billie Lurk's behavior. Positive behavior from Billie.
Dishonored 2 Increase in bloodfly-infested buildings. Decrease in bloodfly-infested buildings.
More distrustful and hostile reactions from allies. More trusting and friendly reactions from allies.
Negative character development in Corvo or Emily. Positive character development in Corvo or Emily.

Increasing Chaos

The Chaos factor is increased by the following activities:

  • Killing assassination targets or other human beings - City Watch, civilians, weepers, nest keepers, or other.
  • Getting spotted by an enemy or alarmed civilian.
  • Letting alarms be rung or bodies be discovered.
  • Performing certain side objectives or special actions:
Poison Slackjaw's still for Granny Rags. High Overseer Campbell
Kill Lord Montgomery Shaw. Lady Boyle's Last Party
Kill the Royal Interrogator. Return to the Tower
Use the Arc Pylon to kill hostiles. The Loyalists
Destroy the Rothwild Slaughterhouse. A Captain of Industry
Kill General Turnbull. Eminent Domain

Decreasing Chaos

Chaos is decreased by the following activities:

  • Dealing with assassination targets in a non-lethal manner.
  • Avoiding the use of lethal force against humans in general by either eliminating them non-lethally or avoiding them altogether.
  • Avoiding detection.
  • Performing certain side objectives or special actions:
Save Geoff Curnow from Thaddeus Campbell's assassination attempt. High Overseer Campbell
Save Overseer Berthold and his sister from zealous Overseers. High Overseer Campbell
Rescue a woman from a swarm of rats in an abandoned factory on the north side of Kaldwin's Bridge. The Royal Physician
Release Anton Sokolov's test subject from confinement. The Royal Physician
Save the plague survivors in Creating a Safe Haven. The Flooded District
Use the Arc Pylon to incapacitate hostiles. The Loyalists
Maintain Overseer disguise, leaving no evidence behind. A Stay of Execution for Lizzy
Stop the Execution of the Guard who helped Corvo. A Stay of Execution for Lizzy
Restore Water to the Canal. The Dead Eels


Dishonored, The Knife of Dunwall, The Brigmore Witches, and Dishonored 2 are concluded in a manner that reflects Corvo, Daud, and Emily's actions.

If a low chaos path is attempted, more than 80% of the total human population, including weepers, must survive.


  • Should Corvo choose to neutralize the assassination targets non-lethally in an otherwise high chaos playthrough, the wanted posters around Dunwall will still say that the victims were murdered. Various bits of guard or civilian dialogue will also mention the murders even though they never happened. This oversight is rectified in passing conversations in Dishonored 2.
  • In Dishonored 2, the protagonist's portrait in each mission summary screen will be darker and bloodied in high chaos, whereas it will be lighter and clean in low chaos.
  • In Dishonored, Emily will become more cynical as chaos increases throughout the story, and the drawings that she makes of Corvo will show a nicer or scarier version of him according to the Chaos level, with a masked Corvo being shown on the high Chaos levels, and a happy, unmasked Corvo in the low Chaos playthroughs.
  • Death of the Outsider is the only game that lacks the chaos system but in certain occasions, choosing to kill or not will still lead to different outcomes. It is also the only game that does not have mission targets in the sense that they must be dealt with to proceed (except for the last mission), thus most of the times there is no non-lethal option.


The mission stats screen, listing overall chaos.

Chaos tutorial.

Chaos tutorial in Dishonored 2.

Corvo's portrait in high chaos.

Corvo's portrait in low chaos.

Emily's portrait in high chaos.

Emily's portrait in low chaos.


  1. Dishonored 2 reveal trailer


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