Mou 체결 영어로 - mou chegyeol yeong-eolo

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MOU�� Memorandum of Understanding�� ���Ӹ��� ���ذ������ �Ѵ�. ���ڰ� ������ ������ ������ �����̴�. �Ϲ������� MOU�� �ŷ��� �����ϱ� ���� ������� �⺻���� ���ظ� ��� ���� ����ȴ�.

MOU�� ������ ������� Ȱ���� ���� ����

Both parties signed an Memorandum of Understanding on establishing a strategic partnership. �������� ������ ��Ʈ�ʽ��� ���鵵�� MOU�� ü���߽��ϴ�.

I would like to ask you a question regarding the Memorandum of Understanding.MOU�� ���� ������ �帮�� �ͽ��ϴ�.

The Bank signed an Memorandum of Understanding with PayPal last month.�� ������ ������ �����Ȱ� MOU�� ü���߾��.

The government and we are close to signing the Memorandum of Understanding.���ο� ���� ���� MOUü���� �յΰ� �ֽ��ϴ�.

We have found a number of problems with the Memorandum of Understanding.�츮�� MOU�� ���� ���� �������� �߰��߽��ϴ�.

The original Memorandum of Understanding expired at the end of 2017.MOU�� 2017�⵵ ���� ����Ǿ����ϴ�.

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Party (�����) ��
Sign an MOU MOU�� ü���ϴ�
Be close to ~�� ������
A number of ����
Expire ����Ǵ�

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최신 우편물
