해리포터 아즈카반의 죄수 대본 - haelipoteo ajeukaban-ui joesu daebon


(영어/영화/대본) 해리포터와 아즈카반의 죄수 HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN 영어/한글 대본

HS공장장 2016. 6. 16. 10:57

[제   목] 해리포터와 아즈카반의 죄수 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

[장   르] 판타지, 가족, 모험, 액션

[감   독] 알폰소 쿠아론

[출   연] 다니엘 레드클리프, 엠마 왓슨, 루퍼트 그린트 등

복습: Mar 7, 2021

영상이 블로그에서 재생이 안될 땐,

영상위의 유튜브 링크를 누르면 유튜브에서 보실 수 있어요.

{Harry Potter whispering} Lumos Maxima.

Lumos Maxima.

Lumos Maxima.

Lumos Maxima.

Lumos Maxima!


PETUNIA: Harry! Harry!

Harry, open the door!

Marge! How lovely to see...

HARRY: Uncle Vernon, I need you to sign this form.

VERNON: What is it?

HARRY: Nothing. School stuff.

VERNON: Later perhaps, if you behave. (예의 바르게 잘 행동하면, 말 잘 들으면)

HARRY: I will if she does.

MARGE: Oh, you're still here, are you?


MARGE: Don't say yes in that ungrateful way.

Damn good of my brother to keep you.

He'd have been straight to an orphanage if he'd been dumped on my doorstep.

Is that my Dudders?

Is that my little neffy-pooh?

Give us a kiss! Come on! Up, up!

VERNON: Take Marge's suitcase upstairs!

HARRY: Okay.

MARGE: Finish that off for Mommy.

Good boy, Rippy-pooh.

VERNON: Can I tempt you, Marge?

(줘도 될까?)

MARGE: Just a small one.

Excellent nosh (영국. 음식), Petunia.

A bit more.

Usually just a fry-up (英, 비격식 (베이컨·달걀구이 등) 기름에 지진 음식으로 된 식사) for me, what with (-때문에) 12 dogs.

Just a bit more. That's a boy! Mm!

You wanna try a little drop of brandy?

A little drop of brandy-brandy windy-wandy for Rippy-pippy-pooh?

What are you smirking(실실 웃다, 히죽히죽 웃다) at?

Where did you send the boy, Vernon?

VERNON: St. Brutus'. It's a fine institution for hopeless cases.

MARGE: Do they use a cane (매) at St. Brutus', boy?

HARRY: Oh, yeah.

Yeah. I've been beaten loads of times.

MARGE: Excellent. I won't have this namby-pamby (너무 여린)... wishy-washy (술에 술탄 듯 물에 물탄 듯, 확실하지 못한) nonsense about not beating people who deserve it.

You mustn't blame yourself about how this one turned out.

It's all to do with blood.

Bad blood will out.

What is it the boy's father did, Petunia?

PETUNIA: Nothing. He didn't work.

He was unemployed.

MARGE: And a drunk too, no doubt?

HARRY: That's a lie!

MARGE: What did you say?

HARRY: My dad wasn't a drunk!

MARGE: Oh, don't worry Don't fuss, Petunia.

I have a very firm grip (쥐는 힘이 좋다).

VERNON: I think it's time you went to bed.

MARGE: Quiet, Vernon. You, clean it up.

Actually, it's nothing to do with the father.

It's all to do with the mother.

You see it all the time with dogs.

If there's something wrong with the bitch (암캐), then there's something wrong with the pup (새끼 강아지).

HARRY: Shut up! Shut up!



Let me tell you... y-y--


Vernon! Vernon, do something!

VERNON: Ow! Ripper! Ow!

Ripper, get down, boy! Down! Ripper, stop it!


I've got you, Marge! I've got you!

Hold on, hold on!

Get off!

MARGE: Don't you dare!

VERNON: Sorry!

PETUNIA: Oh, Vernon!

VERNON: Oh, God!




Come back!


You bring her back!

You bring her back now and you put her right! (그녀를 고쳐놔!)

HARRY: No! She deserved what she got!

Keep away from me.

VERNON: You're not allowed to do magic outside school.

HARRY: Yeah? Try me.

VERNON: They won't let you back now.

You've nowhere to go.

HARRY: I don't care.

Anywhere's better than here.


'STAN SHUNPIKE: "Welcome to the Knight Bus... emergency transport for the stranded (오도가도 못하는, 발이 묶인) witch or wizard.

My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor for this evening."

What you doing down there?

HARRY: I fell over.

STAN SHUNPIKE: What you fall over for?

HARRY: I didn't do it on purpose.

STAN SHUNPIKE: Well, come on, then.

Let's not wait for the grass to grow.

(이러다 날새겠다)

What you looking at?

HARRY: Nothing.

STAN SHUNPIKE: Well, come on, then. In.

No, no, no. I'll get this.

You get in.

Come on.

Come on. Move on, move on, move on.

STAN SHUNPIKE: Take her away (take it away 시작해!), Ern.

SHRUNKEN HEAD: Yeah, take it away, Ernie.

It's going to be a bumpy ride.

STAN SHUNPIKE: What did you say your name was again?

HARRY: I didn't.

STAN SHUNPIKE: Whereabouts are you headed?

HARRY: The Leaky Cauldron (여관 이름인데, 뜻은 “새는 솥”). That's in London.

STAN SHUNPIKE: You heard that Ern? "The Leaky Cauldron.

That's in London."

SHRUNKEN HEAD: The Leaky Cauldron.

If you have pea soup... make sure you eat it before it eats you.

HARRY: But the Muggles. Can't they see us?


They don't see nothing, do they?

SHRUNKEN HEAD: No, but if you jab them with a fork, they feel.

Ernie, little old lady at 12 o'clock!

Ten, nine, eight... seven, six, five... four, three, three and a half... two, one and three quarters.


HARRY: Who is that?

That man.

STAN SHUNPIKE: Who is that?

Who is...?

That is Sirius Black, that is.

Don't tell me you've never been hearing of Sirius Black.

He's a murderer.

Got himself locked up in Azkaban for it.

HARRY: How did he escape?

STAN SHUNPIKE: Well, that's the question, isn't it?

He's the first one that done it.

He was a big supporter of... You-Know-Who.

I reckon you've heard of him.

HARRY: Yeah.

Him I've heard of.

SHRUNKEN HEAD: Ernie, two double-deckers at 12 o'clock.

They're getting closer, Ernie.

Ernie, they're right on top of us!

(버스들이 우리와 아주 가까이에 있어!)

On top of ~의 아주 가까이에

We were all living on top of each other in that tiny apartment.

우리는 그 작은 아파트에서 모두 서로 다닥다닥 붙어살고 있었다.

Mind your head.

Hey, guys? Guys?

Why the long faces?

Yeah, yeah. Nearly there. Nearly there.

The Leaky Cauldron.

Next stop, Knockturn Alley.

TOM: Ah, Mr. Potter, at last.

STAN SHUNPIKE: Take it away, Ern.

SHRUNKEN HEAD: Yeah, take it away, Ernie!


TOM: : Room 11.

HARRY: Hedwig.

FUDGE: : Right smart bird you got there, Mr. Potter.

He arrived here just five minutes before yourself.

FUDGE: As Minister for Magic, it is my duty to inform you, Mr. Potter... that earlier this evening your uncle's sister was located... a little south of Sheffield, circling a chimney stack. (굴뚝)

The Accidental Magic Reversal Department was dispatched (파견된) immediately.

She has been properly punctured and her memory modified.

She will have no recollection (기억) of the incident whatsoever.

So that's that (그건 끝난 일이고)... and no harm done.

TOM: : Pea soup?

HARRY: No, thank you.



HARRY: I don't understand.

FUDGE: Understand?

HARRY: I broke the law. Underage wizards can't use magic at home.

FUDGE: Come now, Harry the Ministry doesn't send people to Azkaban... for blowing up their aunts.

On the other hand, running away like that, given the state of things (요즘 상황)... was very, very irresponsible.

HARRY: "The state of things," sir?

FUDGE: We have a killer on the loose (탈주 중인).

HARRY: Sirius Black, you mean?

But what's he got to do with me?

FUDGE: Nothing, of course. You're safe.

And that's what matters.

And tomorrow you'll be on your way back to Hogwarts.

These are your new schoolbooks.

I took the liberty... of having them brought here.

Now Tom will show you to your room.

HARRY: Hedwig.

FUDGE: Oh, by the way, Harry. Whilst you're here, it would be best if you didn't... wander.

Other: Right! You gonna move that bus or what?

MAID: Housekeeping.

I’ll come back later.


최신 우편물
