구글 스프레드시트 카운트 다운 - gugeul seupeuledeusiteu kaunteu daun

This tutorial will demonstrate how to countdown the remaining number of days in Excel & Google Sheets.

구글 스프레드시트 카운트 다운 - gugeul seupeuledeusiteu kaunteu daun


How Dates are Stored in Excel

In Excel, dates are stored as serial numbers. The date calendar in Excel starts on January 1st, 1900. Each day is represented by one whole number from that date. For example, when we type 08/01/2020 it will store the number 44044 which represents the number of days since January 1st, 1900.

Subtracting Dates

To calculate the number of days between dates, simply calculate the difference between the two dates.


구글 스프레드시트 카운트 다운 - gugeul seupeuledeusiteu kaunteu daun

We can use this information to create a formula that will calculate the number of days remaining from today.

Count Remaining Days from Today

Let’s say we need to track the progress of a project daily and see how many days are remaining until the deadline. We can subtract today’s date from the deadline date by using the TODAY Function to get the current date:


구글 스프레드시트 카운트 다운 - gugeul seupeuledeusiteu kaunteu daun

If you want to ignore negative numbers and show 0 instead, you can use the MAX Function:


구글 스프레드시트 카운트 다운 - gugeul seupeuledeusiteu kaunteu daun

You could also apply Conditional Formatting to highlight when dates are overdue.


Remaining Days Using DATEDIF function

Another option for calculating the remaining number of days is the DATEDIF Function.

The DATEDIF function returns the difference between the start_date and end_date in years, months, or days. The function gives error when values returned are in negative numbers (you could surround the formula with an IFERROR Function to handle the errors).


구글 스프레드시트 카운트 다운 - gugeul seupeuledeusiteu kaunteu daun

Remaining Dates with Time Values

If your dates have time values attached, you may want to use the TRUNC Function to trim off the time values before performing your calculation:

Whether it may be countdown for Christmas or time elapsed since we started something, we need some sort of counters. Today in this article we will see how to display countdown and countup timer in Google Spreadsheet. We will try to keep it as simple as possible. No script, just be using formula we will try to achieve the result.

구글 스프레드시트 카운트 다운 - gugeul seupeuledeusiteu kaunteu daun

How it works

In Google Spreadsheet, formulas like NOW, TODAY, RAND and RANDBETWEEN are re-evaluated every 1 minute. We can take advantage of this feature. We will be using NOW() to find current date and time. So the formula which calculates the time remaining is:

=Time in (hh:mm:ss) + Current time in (MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss) - NOW()

The countup timer is like a stopwatch. Here is its formula

=NOW()-Time in (MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss)

For each case, formatting of cells are very important. You can click on cells (B1, D5, D8) an then go to menu bar ► Format ► Number to check the formatting of the cells.

We can also use formula to display the time as no. of days, hours and minutes.

=int(D5)&" Days, "&hour(D5)&" Hours, "&minute(D5)&" Minutes"

So a question may arise how int() calculates the number of days. To understand this, select D5 (blue) cell and go to menu bar ► Format ► Number and change the format to Number. The hh:mm:ss value will be displayed as floating point value. So int() just rounds the number down to the nearest integer and hance gives the number of days. You can play with a bit changing the values and you will understand how it works.

Today we are going to learn how to create a countdown timer in Sheets by using a couple of built-in functions. These are going to be DATEDIF, which calculates the number of days, months, or years between two dates, and NOW() which return today’s date. The syntax for the DATEDIF formula is DATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit) with the start and end date required to reference a cell that already contains a date or a function that returns a date, such as NOW(). The unit is an abbreviation for the unit of time you want to be calculated, such as the below:

• “Y”: the number of whole years between start_date and end_date.

• “M”: the number of whole months between start_date and end_date.

• “D”: the number of days between start_date and end_date.

• “MD”: the number of days between start_date and end_date after subtracting whole months.

• “YM”: the number of whole months between start_date and end_date after subtracting whole years.

• “YD”: the number of days between start_date and end_date, assuming start_date and end_date were no more than one year apart.

Source: Google Docs Editors Help

For example, if you want to calculate how many months and days are left until American Thanksgiving, which this year falls on November 24th, you would first create a cell that references the date of November 24th, which you will need to refer back to later in the DATEDIF function. Once that cell is created, proceed with creating two other cells, one for the number of months and one for the number of days.

Next, we are ready to create our formulas. In the Months cell, type in the formula =DATEDIF(NOW(),A2,"M") with NOW() representing today’s date, A2 referencing the cell where you typed in the Thanksgiving date and “M” representing the number of months. However, since there is more than a month, but not exactly two months, between the two dates, there are days in between unaccounted for.

To calculate the number of days left after that month has elapsed, in the Days cell type in the formula NOW()0 with “NOW()1” representing the number of days between the two events after the month has been subtracted.

As you can see in this example, there is one month and 30 days left until Thanksgiving instead of two whole months. This is because months and years are counted only if they are equal to or surpass the “day,” so if Thanksgiving fell on November 25th instead of the 24th, and today is September 25th, it would then count it as 2 months instead of one month and change.

I just want the steps!

1. Create a cell containing the date you want to count down to

2. Create another cell to enter your countdown formula, and type in =DATEDIF(NOW(),A2,"M")with “A2” referencing the cell where you entered the date you want to count down to and “M” representing months as the unit you want to count in.

3. If you also want to calculate the number of days left after the month has passed, create another cell and use the formula NOW()0.