Mattermost 도커 - Mattermost dokeo

만약 윈도우즈 10이라면, 도커 가져오기는 매우 어려울 것이다.
Docker를 영입할 수만 있다면 컨테이너를 가동하기만 하면 현재 환경을 오염시키지 않고 도입할 수 있다.
비망록의 비망록으로 쓰다.

docekr 설치 (윈도우즈 10)

Windows10의 경우 docker를 설치하는 것은 매우 간단합니다.
docker for windows
위의 링크에서 다운로드하여 설치가 완료되었습니다.
심볼 링크 만들기

  • 이미지 디스크가 C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks작성나는 SSD가 억압받는 것을 싫어하는 사람이라 기호 링크로 드라이브를 간다.
  • 매니저 CMD를 통해 다음 작업 수행
  • 실제 폴더를 링크 대상으로 이동하여 심볼릭 링크를 만듭니다.
  • move "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks" "F:\Virtual Hard Disks"
    c:\> mklink "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks" "F:\Virtual Hard Disks"

    윈도우즈 10 이외에도 대체로

  • linux(ubuntu)

  • 여기.에 기재된 것은 ubuntu라면 매우 간단하다.센토스 몰라.

  • windows 7,8 (docker toolbox)
  • 프록시 서버를 이용하면 곤란합니다.
  • docker-machine 내 /var/lib/boot2docker/profile에서proxy 내보내기 참조:github issues
  • virtualbox에서 전송 포트를 전송하여localhost가 로컬 환경에서 연결될 수 있도록 하면 다른 docker처럼 사용할 수 있습니다.
  • windows server2016
  • 컨테이너 시동

    놀랄 정도로 가볍다.다음 명령을 실행하면 끝납니다.

    docker run --name mattermost-preview -d --publish 8065:8065 mattermost/mattermost-preview
  • http://localhost:8065/에 액세스하면 로그인 화면이 열립니다.
  • 클라이언트 도구 여기 있습니다.
  • 서버 시작 시docker start コンテナID
  • 용기 가동 시 알웨이스 옵션을 추가하는 것이 좋겠죠
  • 컨테이너 문서
    아마도 다른 OS들도 문서대로 실행하면 컨테이너 접근을 시작할 수 있을 것 같습니다.

    사용자 초대

  • 관리자가 URL을 보내 사용자 추가
  • 자신의 계좌에 있는 햄버거 세 개를 클릭하여 메뉴를 엽니다.
  • 메뉴가 열리면 아래 그림Get Team Invite Link을 클릭하여 초대장 URL을 볼 수 있습니다.
    Mattermost 도커 - Mattermost dokeo
  • 초대하려는 사람에게 가져오는 URL을 전송하여 초대할 수 있습니다.
  • mattermost의 초기 설정값

  • mattermost의 초기 설정지는여기.
  • 추기

  • 프록시 환경이라면 로컬 프록시를 사용하는 것이 비교적 쉽다.
  • proxomitron을 사용하여 로컬 프록시 설정
  • Mattermost 도커 - Mattermost dokeo
  • 그림의 proxyURL:8080 부분을 오른쪽 단추로 눌러 열기Advance Proxy Setting
  • 암호 설명 및 설정 완료
  • Mattermost Docker

    The official Docker deployment solution for Mattermost.

    Install & Usage

    Refer to the Mattermost Docker deployment guide for instructions on how to install and use this Docker image.


    PRs are welcome, refer to our contributing guide for an overview of the Mattermost contribution process.

    Upgrading from mattermost-docker

    This repository replaces the deprecated mattermost-docker repository. For an in-depth guide to upgrading, please refer to this document.

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    If you don’t have Docker installed, follow the instructions below based on your operating system:

    Preview Mattermost using Docker

    You can install Mattermost server in Preview Mode using the Mattermost Docker Preview Image image to explore Mattermost product functionality on a single local machine.


    This local image is self-contained (i.e., it has an internal database and works out of the box). Dropping a container using this image removes data and configuration as expected. You can see the configuration settings documentation to learn more about customizing your preview deployment.

    However, Preview Mode shouldn’t be used in a production environment, as it uses a known password string, contains other non-production configuration settings, has email disabled, keeps no persistent data (all data lives inside the container), and doesn’t support upgrades.

    1. Install Docker.

    2. Once you have Docker, run the following command in a terminal window:

    docker run --name mattermost-preview -d --publish 8065:8065 mattermost/mattermost-preview

    1. When Docker is done fetching the image, navigate to http://localhost:8065/ in your browser to preview Mattermost.

    Troubleshooting your preview deployment

    The Preview Mode Docker instance for Mattermost is designed for product evaluation, and sets SendEmailNotifications=false so the product can function without enabling email. See the Configuration Settings documentation to customize your deployment.

    To update your Mattermost preview image and container, you must first stop and delete your existing mattermost-preview container by running the following commands:

    docker pull mattermost/mattermost-preview
    docker stop mattermost-preview
    docker rm mattermost-preview

    Once the new image is pulled and the container is stopped and deleted you need to run the docker run command from above.


    On Linux, include sudo in front of all docker commands.

    To access a shell inside the container, run the following command:

    docker exec -ti mattermost-preview /bin/bash

    Deploy Mattermost on Docker for production use

    You’ll need Docker Engine and Docker Compose (release 1.28 or later) Follow the steps in the Mattermost Docker Setup README or follow the steps below.

    Encountering issues with your Docker deployment? See the Docker deployment troubleshooting documentation for details.

    1. In a terminal window, clone the repository and enter the directory.

      git clone
      cd docker

    2. Create your .env file by copying and adjusting the env.example file.


    At a minimum, you must edit the DOMAIN value in the .env file to correspond to the domain for your Mattermost server.

    1. Create the required directories and set their permissions.

      mkdir -p ./volumes/app/mattermost/{config,data,logs,plugins,client/plugins,bleve-indexes}
      sudo chown -R 2000:2000 ./volumes/app/mattermost

    2. Configure TLS for NGINX (optional). If you’re not using the included NGINX reverse proxy, you can skip this step.

      If creating a new certificate and key:

      bash scripts/ -d <YOUR_MM_DOMAIN> -o ${PWD}/certs

      To include the certificate and key, uncomment the following lines in your .env file and ensure they point to the appropriate files.


      If using a pre-existing certificate and key:

      mkdir -p ./volumes/web/cert
      cp <PATH-TO-PRE-EXISTING-CERT>.pem ./volumes/web/cert/cert.pem
      cp <PATH-TO-PRE-EXISTING-KEY>.pem ./volumes/web/cert/key-no-password.pem

      To include the certificate and key, ensure the following lines in your .env file points to the appropriate files.


    3. Configure SSO with GitLab (optional). If you want to use SSO with GitLab, and you’re using a self-signed certificate, you have to add the PKI chain for your authority. This is required to avoid the Token request failed: certificate signed by unknown authority error.

      To add the PKI chain, uncomment this line in your .env file, and ensure it points to your pki_chain.pem file:


      Then uncomment this line in your docker-compose.yml file, and ensure it points to the same pki_chain.pem file:

      # - ${GITLAB_PKI_CHAIN_PATH}:/etc/ssl/certs/pki_chain.pem:ro

    4. Deploy Mattermost.

      Without using the included NGINX:

      sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.without-nginx.yml up -d

      To access your new Mattermost deployment, navigate to http://<YOUR_MM_DOMAIN>:8065/ in your browser.

      To shut down your deployment:

      sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.without-nginx.yml down

      Using the included NGINX:

      sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.nginx.yml up -d

      To access your new Mattermost deployment via HTTPS, navigate to https://<YOUR_MM_DOMAIN>/ in your browser.

      To shut down your deployment:

      sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.nginx.yml down

    5. Create your first Mattermost System Admin user, invite more users, and explore the Mattermost platform.

    Installing a different version of Mattermost

    1. Shut down your deployment.

    2. Run git pull to fetch any recent changes to the repository, paying attention to any potential env.example changes.

    3. Adjust the MATTERMOST_IMAGE_TAG in the .env file to point your desired enterprise or team image version.

    4. Redeploy Mattermost.

    Troubleshooting your production deployment


    If deploying on an M1 Mac and encountering permission issues in the Docker container, redo the third step and skip this command:

    sudo chown -R 2000:2000 ./volumes/app/mattermost

    If having issues deploying on Docker generally, ensure the docker daemon is enabled and running:

    sudo systemctl enable --now docker

    To remove all data and settings for your Mattermost deployment:


    You can change the Postgres username and/or password (recommended) in the .env file.

    Further help

    If you encounter other problems while installing Mattermost, please refer to our troubleshooting guide.