OpenCV 흔들림 보정 - OpenCV heundeullim bojeong

< OpenCV Sample 설명 >
- 주요함수
c-example-adaptiveskindetector.exe - contributed flesh detector, CvAdaptiveSkinDetector()
c-example-bgfg_codebook.exe - Background average, cvBGCodeBookDiff()
c-example-blobtrack_sample.exe - Blob Tracking, BlobTrackGen_Modules()
c-example-contours.exe - cvFindContours, cvApproxPoly(), cvCreateMemStorage()
c-example-convert_cascade.exe - cascade's convertation , cvLoadHaarClassifierCascade()

c-example-delaunay.exe - 디로네이 삼각형, 보로노이 모자이크 생성, cvSubdiv2DGetEdge(), cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D()
c-example-facedetect.exe -  Haar or LBP 이용 얼굴감지, CascadeClassifier()
c-example-fback_c.exe - Franeback optical flow, cvCalcOpticalFlowFarneback()
c-example-find_obj.exe - SURF( Speed-Up Robust Feature)
c-example-find_obj_calonder.exe - SURF is used to detect interest points, Calonder is used to describe/match these points

c-example-find_obj_ferns.exe - "fern" plannar PlanarObjectDetector point, PlanarObjectDetector()

    c-example-latentsvmdetect.exe - latentSVM detector
c-example-morphology.exe - morphology operator, cvCreateStructuringElementEx()
c-example-motempl.exe - motion templates , cvCalcMotionGradient, cvCalcGlobalOrientation()
c-example-mser_sample.exe - Maximal Extremal Region interest point detector, fitEllipse()

c-example-mushroom.exe - build a decision tree for classifying mushrooms, CvDTree()
c-example-one_way_sample.exe - one way interest point descriptor found in features2d, OneWayDescriptorBase()
c-example-polar_transforms.exe - Linear-Polar and Log-Polar image transforms, cvLinearPolar(), cvLogPolar()
c-example-pyramid_segmentation.exe - color pyramid segmentation cvcvPyrSegmentation()
c-example-smiledetect.exe - 웃음(미소) 감지 , CascadeClassifier()

c-example-tree_engine.exe - decision trees and forests, CvDTree(), CvBoost(), CvRTrees(), CvERTrees(), CvGBTrees()

cpp-example-3calibration.exe -- Calibrate 3 cameras in a horizontal line together, stereoCalibrate()
cpp-example-bagofwords_classification.exe - PASCAL VOC (Visual Object Challenge) data 만들기, BOWKMeansTrainer()
cpp-example-bgfg_gmg.exe - particular BackgroundSubtraction, 특정 배경 제거, BackgroundSubtractorGMG()
cpp-example-bgfg_segm.exe - cvUpdateBGStatModel
cpp-example-brief_match_test.exe - BRIEF descriptor to match points in features2d, BriefDescriptorExtractor(), FastFeatureDetector()

cpp-example-build3dmodel.exe - FeatureDetector, DescriptorExtractor()
cpp-example-calibration.exe - calibrateCamera, calcChessboardCorners()
cpp-example-calibration_artificial.exe - artificial camera and artificial chessboard images, calibrateCamera()
cpp-example-camshiftdemo.exe - mean-shift based tracking, CamShift()
cpp-example-chamfer.exe - Chamfer matching , chamerMatching()

cpp-example-connected_components.exe - connected components and use of the trackbar
cpp-example-contours2.exe - 윤곽 찾기, findContours() , drawContours()
cpp-example-convexhull.exe - convexHull, 점들에서 convex hull(점집합의 외곽선) 찾기
cpp-example-cout_mat.exe - Mat
cpp-example-delaunay2.exe - delaunay triangulation , voronoi tesselation , cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D()

cpp-example-demhist.exe - calcHist()
cpp-example-descriptor_extractor_matcher.exe - finding and matching , evaluateGenericDescriptorMatcher()
cpp-example-detection_based_tracker_sample.exe -  UNIX or ANDROID  only
cpp-example-detector_descriptor_evaluation.exe - DetectorQualityEvaluator(), KeyPoint()
cpp-example-detector_descriptor_matcher_evaluation.exe - intersectConvexConvex

cpp-example-dft.exe - discrete Fourier transform, 푸리에변환(변화된 정도 알아냄, 노이즈 제어)
cpp-example-distrans.exe - distance transform function between edge images. distanceTransform()
cpp-example-drawing.exe - OpenCV drawing and text output
cpp-example-edge.exe - Canny edge detection, Canny()
cpp-example-em.exe - Expectation - Maximization    , CvEM()

cpp-example-fabmap_sample.exe - FAB-MAP , FeatureDetector, DescriptorExtractor, DescriptorMatcher
cpp-example-facerec_demo.exe - 얼굴 감지, CAM 입력, CascadeClassifier()
cpp-example-fback.exe - dense optical flow , calcOpticalFlowFarneback()
cpp-example-ffilldemo.exe - floodFill()
cpp-example-filestorage.exe - serialization, FileStorage()

cpp-example-fitellipse.exe - ellipse fitting
cpp-example-freak_demo.exe - keypoint descriptor, SurfFeatureDetector(), FREAK(), BruteForceMatcher<Hamming>
cpp-example-gencolors.exe - generateColors()
cpp-example-generic_descriptor_match.exe - matching keypoints between 2 images
cpp-example-grabcut.exe - GrabCut segmentation, 형태를 갖춘 부분만 잘라낸다 , grabCut()

cpp-example-houghcircles.exe - circle finding with the Hough transform, HoughCircles()
cpp-example-houghlines.exe - line finding with the Hough transform, HoughLinesP()

cpp-example-hybridtrackingsample.exe - Hybrid Tracking ?? <-- ERROR
    SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform)

cpp-example-image.exe - Mat and IplImages convert
cpp-example-imagelist_creator.exe - creates a yaml or xml list of files

cpp-example-image_sequence.exe - read a sequence of images
cpp-example-inpaint.exe - 손상된 부분 복원 inpaint()
cpp-example-kalman.exe - 칼만필터
cpp-example-kmeans.exe - kmeans()
cpp-example-laplace.exe - Laplace point/edge detection , 경계검출, Laplacian()

cpp-example-latentsvm_multidetect.exe - latentSVM detector, LatentSvmDetector
cpp-example-letter_recog.exe - train Random Trees classifier
cpp-example-linemod.exe - OenNI demo, kinect(모션센서)
cpp-example-lkdemo.exe - Lukas-Kanade optical flow, 점추적
cpp-example-logpolar_bsm.exe - LogPolar Blind Spot Model, LogPolar_Adjacent

cpp-example-matcher_simple.exe - features2d detector, 두개 이미지 비교
cpp-example-matching_to_many_images.exe - createDetectorDescriptorMatcher
cpp-example-meanshift_segmentation.exe - mean-shift based color segmentation in spatial pyramid, pyrMeanShiftFiltering()
cpp-example-minarea.exe - 점들을 포함하는 최도의 도형을 만듬, minAreaRect
cpp-example-morphology2.exe -  morphology operator, 효과주기 open, close, erode, dilate

cpp-example-OpenEXRimages_HDR_Retina_toneMapping.exe -  OpenEXR - ILM에서 개발한 HDR 이미지 포맷
cpp-example-openni_capture.exe - OpenNI test, kinect(모션센서)
cpp-example-pca.exe - PCA 이용 얼굴 인식

cpp-example-peopledetect.exe - HOGDescriptor 이용 사람 검출
cpp-example-phase_corr.exe - 카메라 움직임 감지, phaseCorrelate()
cpp-example-retinaDemo.exe - Retina, 빛에 의한 변화를 줄일수 있다. 역광 보정
cpp-example-rgbdodometry.exe - Estimate the rigid body motion, RGBDOdometry

cpp-example-segment_objects.exe - 배경지우기, BackgroundSubtractorMOG
cpp-example-simpleflow_demo.exe - 옵티컬 플로우 'SimpleFlow'알고리즘, calcOpticalFlowSF
cpp-example-squares.exe - pyramid scaling, Canny, contours, contour simpification, memory storage
cpp-example-starter_imagelist.exe - 이미지 읽기

cpp-example-starter_video.exe - reading images from video
cpp-example-stereo_calib.exe - 카메라 캘리브레이션, stereo calibration,  stereoCalibrate()
cpp-example-stereo_match.exe - stereo matching converting L and R images into disparity and point clouds, StereoBM
cpp-example-stitching.exe - 이미지 이어 붙히기, Stitcher()
cpp-example-stitching_detailed.exe - 이미지 이어 붙히기 (좀더 정밀) BestOf2NearestMatcher

cpp-example-tvl1_optical_flow.exe - 옵티컬 플로우 “Dual TV L1”알고리즘, createOptFlow_DualTVL1()
cpp-example-videostab.exe - 비디오 흔들림 보정(Stabilizer ), cv::videostab;
cpp-example-video_dmtx.exe - Datamatrix(바코드 QR코드) 읽기, findDataMatrix, drawDataMatrixCodes
cpp-example-video_homography.exe - 빠른 경계 검출, BFMatcher, GridAdaptedFeatureDetector
cpp-example-watershed.exe - watershed segmentation, 객체 구분 방법, watershed()