마인크래프트 1.19 무료 다운 - mainkeulaepeuteu 1.19 mulyo daun

Download Minecraft PE 1.19.10 for android with a working Xbox Live: see improved creatures, block properties and fixed bugs of the game, and try out new features of the spectator mode!

What’s new in Minecraft 1.19.10?

The authors from Mojang Studios continued to improve the game world by releasing Minecraft PE 1.19.10 Wild Update. Users will notice improvements in the behavior of some creatures, blocks, and items. There are also some changes in the spectator mode.


Minecraft 1.19.10 has a lot of unusual mobs that live in different biomes of the game. For example, Warden guards the dungeon against users and mobs of the game.

The developers have changed the behavior of zombie villagers who do not have a profession. They no longer drive trolleys and boats.

If the player chooses a high level of difficulty, then attacking zombies will now be able to break down the door during the raid with a 10% probability.

Piglins will no longer attack a Minecraft PE 1.19.10 player if he puts on golden armor.


One of the glowing sculk blocks in Minecraft 1.19.10, the catalyst, now blooms if a mob without experience dies next to it. Usually, the function of this block is to form sculks around the place of the death of mobs.


Trees from Mangrove swamps get new details with each update, and bugs disappear. In Minecraft PE 1.19.10, mangroves no longer change color. Players remember this bug occurred in previous editions.

The MCPE player will now place a dirty mangrove root sideways if necessary.

Players can use mangrove wood for building as new material. There is also the ability to grow such trees.

Spectator Mode

The option is constantly changing and getting additional details. Minecraft 1.19.10 players using the Spectator mode can now hold objects in both hands.

By the way, the users do not get any effects during this mode.

1.19.10 Download


  • How can I protect myself from Warden in Minecraft PE 1.19.10?

    Do not make any sound.

  • Where do mangroves grow?

    In the Mangrove swamp.

  • How to activate the Spectator mode?

    In the Experimental menu.

See also

Minecraft 에 대한 설명

끝없이 계속되는 월드를 탐험하고 가장 단순한 집에서 웅장한 성채까지, 모든 것을 만들어 보세요. 무한대의 자원을 이용할 수 있는 크리에이티브 모드로 플레이하거나 서바이벌 모드에서 월드 깊숙한 곳을 탐험하며 위험한 몹을 상대하기 위한 무기와 방어구를 만드세요. 모바일 장치나 Windows 10에서 싱글 모드 또는 친구들과 함께 만들고, 탐험하고, 생존하세요.

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멀티 플레이
Realm - 언제 어디서든 Minecraft에서 호스팅하는 여러분만의 개인 서버인 Realm에서 최대 10명의 플랫폼 간 친구와 함께 플레이할 수 있습니다. 30일 간의 인앱 무료 체험판을 플레이해 보세요.

멀티 플레이 - 무료 Xbox Live 계정으로 최대 4명의 친구와 함께 온라인으로 플레이할 수 있습니다.
서버 - 수많은 무료 멀티 플레이 서버에 참여해 수천 명의 플레이어들과 함께 플레이할 수 있습니다! 커뮤니티에서 운영하는 광대한 월드를 발견하고, 독특한 미니 게임에서 경쟁하고, 새 친구로 가득한 로비에서 어울려 보세요.

지원: https:///www.minecraft.net/help
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버그판 정보

잠금 해제된 프리미엄 스킨
잠금 해제된 프리미엄 텍스처

잠금 해제된 프리미엄 스킨
잠금 해제된 프리미엄 텍스처
데미지 모드 없음
무제한 호흡
최대 인벤토리 크기
무기로 원 히트 킬
최대 점수
파괴할 수 없는 도구


1.19.22의 새로운 사항:
많은 버그가 수정되었습니다.

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마인크래프트 1.19 무료 다운 - mainkeulaepeuteu 1.19 mulyo daun

12-07-2022, 18:38 152 381

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The developers have released the next release version of Minecraft 1.19.10. In this update, bugs have been fixed, optimization has been improved, and changes have been made.


  • The Trader Llama now has its own spawn egg
  • Added /locate biome, which can look for specific biomes
  • Music is now included in the game files on iOS, so players no longer need to be download the music pack from the Marketplace
  • Added new splash texts
  • Now drop XP only when destroyed by a pickaxe
  • Can now be placed on the top of mud, muddy mangrove roots, and rooted dirt
  • Decreased from Pufferfish poison level from IV to II
  • Allay can now dance when a nearby jukebox is playing
  • If an Allay is given an amethyst shard while dancing, it can "duplicate", creating another allay and consuming the shard

Allay Duplication

  • When an Allay hears a Jukebox playing, it will do a dance animation
  • If the Jukebox stops playing, or if the Allay gets too far away from the Jukebox, it will stop dancing
  • If the Allay is given an Amethyst Shard while dancing, it will play a small amethyst sound, make a heart, and duplicate into another Allay
  • After duplication, both Allays will have a 5-minute cooldown before being able to duplicate again

마인크래프트 1.19 무료 다운 - mainkeulaepeuteu 1.19 mulyo daun

Vanilla Parity

  • Changed "Feel" sound to match Java Edition
  • Fish Now have less health from 6 to 3 to match Java Edition
  • Changed and revamped the screen to be similar to Java Edition's death screen
  • Warden's hurt animation no longer differs between Bedrock Edition and Java Edition
  • Allay pickup range is changed from 64 to 32 blocks to match Java Edition
  • Mangrove Swamps are now denser to more closely match Java Edition
  • Edited fish health points of Cod, Pufferfish, Salmon, and Tropical fish to be 3 to match Java Edition
  • Mobs equipping items in armor slots now produce sounds
  • Campfires can now provide full-faced bottom support to other blocks
  • Lecterns can now provide full-faced bottom support to other blocks
  • Weeping Vines can now be placed underneath all blocks which can provide full-faced bottom support
  • Breaking a Boat with Chest or minecart with chest will now anger nearby piglins
  • Structure Blocks can no longer be waterlogged
  • Relative positioning of entities exiting Nether portals no longer have their placement snapped to a block position coordinate
  • Fixed a visual bug where liquids could have unexpected heights in the corners depending on diagonally-adjacent blocks
  • Shulker projectile now adds effect "Levitation" instead of "Levitation II" on hit
  • Pufferfish now gives Poison II effect instead of Poison IV when consumed